





[1]      湖北省自然科学基金,湖北麻城福白菊土壤酸化形成机理及其改良,2011CDC1292012-2014,主持。

[2]      湖北省教育厅科学技术研究计划重点项目,      武汉城市圈蔬菜硝酸盐减控技术研究,D201227062012-2014,主持。

[3]      黄冈市科技局科学研究项目,(罗田)板栗空苞率降低与单产提高技术研究与推广,6万元20120001022012-2014,主持。

[4]      科技部公益性行业(农业)科研专项(子课题)    横向()    低产水稻土肥水管理技术研发与示范,16万元,20110030162011-2013.主持。

[5]      国家十一五科技支撑计划(子课题,2008BADA7B03),城郊区蔬菜重金属阻控剂的研发与示范,5万元,10bh0592010-2011,主持

[6]      黄冈师范学院博士基金,黄冈市城郊区蔬菜重金属污染现状评价,5万元,10cd0602010-2013,主持。

[7]      基于土地利用方式的地下水质量预测区域模型(RSM)引进及其在城郊菜地中的应用,农业部948项目(2008-Z25),2008-2010,参与。

[8]      丹江口南水北调水源库区柑橘园土壤氮磷养分高效利用技术研究,国家十一五科技支撑计划课题(2007BAD87B09-09),2007-2010,参与。


[1]      Xiaoming Hu, Mingju Zhang, Wenjuan Lv, Jun Xiang, Yuanping Fang, Juan Chen and Shuiyuan Cheng*,2012. Characteristicsand evaluation on heavy metal (Pb and Zn) contamination of vegetables grown in the suburbs ofHuanggang in China.Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.10 (1): 714-717.

[2]      Xiaoming Hu,Chengxiao Hu, Xuecheng Sun,Mingxin Lu,2009. Effects of simulated acid rain on soil acidification, availabilities and temporal and spatial variations of Cu and Pb in a vegetable field under natural conditions.Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.7(1): 92-96.

[3]      Xiaoming Hu, Weibin Jin, Wenjuan Lv, Shuiyuan Cheng* and Yanyan Jiang, 2013. Investigation and evaluation on heavy metal Copper and Cadmium contaminations of vegetables grown in Huanggang City of China, Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology, Vol 5(2), 106-109.

[4]      Xiaoming Hu, Wenjuan Lv, Huijun Xiong, Lin Luo and Weibin Jin*, 2013. Interactions of Phosphorus and Molybdenum on Dry Matter, Yield Factors and Yield of Brassica Napus   Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology, Vol 7(2), 95-98.

[5]      Jinshan Liu, Xiaoming Hu, Chengxiao Hu, Weihong Qiu, Jianwei Lu, Xuecheng Sun,Qiling Tan, Jialong Zou & Bin Li, 2011. Differences in Soil Fertility Parameters between 1981 and 2006 inJingzhou County, China Associated with Changes of Agricultural Practices. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2011.609258, 42:2504–2514.

[6]      Hongen Liu; Chengxiao Hu; Xiaoming Hu; Zhaojun Nie; Xuecheng Sun; Qiling Tan; Haufang, 2010. Hu Interaction of molybdenum and phosphorus supply on uptake and translocation of phosphorus and molybdenum by brassica napus, Journal of Plant Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2010.503778, 33:1751–1760

[7]      Hong Huang, Cheng Xiao Hu∗, Qiling Tan, Xiaoming Hu, Xuecheng Sun, Lei Bi, 2012. Effects of Fe–EDDHA application on iron chlorosis of citrus trees and comparison of evaluations on nutrient balance with three approachesScientia Horticulturae, 146:137–142.

[8]      Hong Huang, Chengxiao Hu *, Qiling Tan, Xiaohu Zhao, Xuecheng Sun, Xiaoming Hu,2012. Liangzhi Peng and Changpin Chun Diagnosing of the nutritional status of ‘Newhall’ navel orange trees with the method of modified diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (M-DRIS). Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.10(3&4):379-383.

[9]      Hongen Liu & Chengxiao Hu & Xuecheng Sun & Qiling Tan & Zhaojun Nie & Xiaoming Hu,2010. Interactive effects of molybdenum and phosphorus fertilizers on photosynthetic characteristics of seedlings and grain yield of Brassica napus.Plant Soil, DOI 10.1007/s11104-009-0014-1,326:345353.

